ultimate guide to macebell training

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Are you feeling uninspired with your current workout routine? It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, doing the same exercises with the same weights day after day. But what if we told you there’s a way to spice things up and challenge your body in a new and exciting way? Enter the world of macebell training.They are becoming increasingly popular in the fitness world and are perfect for those who want to add a fun and challenging new element to their workout. Not only will you work your entire body, but you’ll also improve your strength, endurance, and flexibility. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at macebells, their history, the benefits of training with them, and tips on how to get started.

So say goodbye to boring bicep curls and hello to the dynamic world of macebell training. Your body will thank you.

What are macebells?

A macebell is a hollow steel handle with a circular steel head (bell) at the end of it. 

steel macebell

Unlike dumbbells or kettlebells, macebells have an irregular weight distribution whereby the weight is mostly concentrated in the head of the macebell. Thanks to this uneven weight distribution, macebells are highly effective at training stabiliser muscles around our joints that are usually overlooked in standard strength workouts. Macebell training is an ideal way to improve balance, mobility, and coordination, as well as strengthen the core and shoulders, thanks to the unique design of macebells.

A brief history of macebells

Did you know that the mace is one of the oldest weapons in the world? It’s been around for a whopping 50,000 years! Can you imagine using a big old stone mace to fight back in the day?

Macebell training has a rich history that dates back at least 1000 years to ancient India, where Hindu Warriors trained and improved their fighting skills using maces, known as Gada. These warriors used heavier versions made out of bamboo and a stone on top, effectively building their strength through macebell training.


And guess what? The Gada is still being used today by wrestlers in Northern India and Southern Pakistan. In fact, the famous wrestler Great Gama, who was undefeated in his 50-year career, trained with the mace all the time.

Fun fact: Great Gama was the first athlete to make the macebell popular. Pretty impressive, huh?

The macebell, a modern version of the ancient weapon, is quickly becoming a must-have for fitness enthusiasts. With its unique design and uneven weight distribution, the macebell offers a full-body workout that targets multiple muscle groups and provides an exciting and challenging way to train. Not only does it help you achieve your fitness goals, but it also makes you feel like a warrior from ancient times!

The benefits of macebell training

Macebell training offers a wide range of benefits that can help improve your overall fitness

How to get started with macebell training?

If you’re new to macebell training, it’s important to start with a light weight and gradually increase as your strength improves. We recommend that you start with a macebell that weighs 7 lbs


For beginners looking to start with macebell training, we highly recommend the Retrospec macebell. This high-quality macebell is made from durable materials and has a comfortable grip, making it the perfect choice for your workouts. Whether you’re looking to improve your strength, coordination, or overall fitness, this macebell is an excellent tool to add to your arsenal.

It is always handy to have a light weight macebell as the 7 lbs one, not only to get started but also to use later on for mobility and stability exercises or for testing new macebell exercises, in a safe way. 

Best macebell exercises for beginners

Macebell exercises are a great way for beginners to build strength, increase mobility and improve coordination. Some of the best macebell exercises for beginners include the mace 360, the mace overhead press, and the mace squat.

The Mace 360 

Step 0: If you’re new to macebell training and lack shoulder mobility, the best way to start your macebell training is by warming up your shoulders and getting used to the movements by doing kettlebell halos (here is a video of this exercise for those who don’t know it yet). Once you can perform this exercise without struggling you can move on to the mace 360.

Step 1: Start by holding the macebell with both of your hands at the bottom section of the handle. Make sure that your elbows are close to the body and your wrists flat. 

Step 2: Use your arms and shoulders to rotate it in a circular motion around your head. Focus on keeping your core tight and hips stable to maintain proper form and control. 

Step 3: Return to the initial position.

Here’s a video of the exercise for those who prefer a visual explanation: 

The Mace Overhead Press

This exercise helps building shoulder and arm strength, improves posture, and increases stability in the core and upper body. We found this great video explanation of the mace overhead press for you:

The Mace Squat

A full-body exercise that combines the benefits of a squat with the added challenge of a macebell. The macebell adds resistance and helps to build strength in the arms, shoulders, and core, while the squat works the legs and hips. 

In this video, coach Vaughn will show you how to perform a lat, front, and goblet squat with a macebell:

These exercises focus on the major muscle groups and help to develop functional movement patterns that can be applied to other exercises and activities. Start with a lighter weight and progress gradually, focusing on proper form and control. Incorporating macebell exercises into a workout routine can add variety and challenge, while also improving overall fitness.

A beginner macebell workout routine could include 3-4 exercises in 3-4 sets, 8-12 reps each.


  1. Who can benefit from using macebells?
  • Macebell training is great for anyone who wants to improve their overall fitness, balance, and coordination. This type of training is especially beneficial for athletes, MMA fighters, Yogis and anyone who does overhead lifts with barbells.

2. With what macebell size and weight should I start?

  • When starting with macebell exercises, it is recommended to start with a lighter weight and gradually increase as your strength and ability improve. A 7-pound macebell is a good starting weight for most people, although some may prefer to start with a lighter or heavier weight depending on their fitness level and experience. It’s important to choose a weight that is challenging but manageable, allowing you to focus on proper form and control during each exercise.

3. Are macebell workouts effective?

  • Yes, macebell workouts can be effective for improving strength, power, and stability. They are a type of functional training that involves using a weighted mace to perform exercises that target multiple muscle groups, improve coordination, and increase cardiovascular endurance. However, as with any exercise program, the effectiveness of macebell workouts will depend on individual factors such as the intensity and frequency of the workouts, overall health and fitness level, and proper form and technique.

4. What are macebells good for?

Macebells are good for:

  • Strength training: The weight of the macebell and the need to control its movement can help build strength in the upper and lower body.
  • Cardiovascular fitness: Swinging and rotating the macebell can provide a cardiovascular workout, particularly when performed at a high intensity.
  • Core stability: Many macebell exercises require stability and control, making them a great way to work the core muscles.
  • Improving flexibility: Macebell exercises can improve mobility and flexibility in the shoulders, hips, and spine.
  • Enhancing athletic performance: The functional and explosive movements involved in macebell training can help improve power and coordination, making it a useful tool for athletes looking to improve their performance.
  • Improving posture: By strengthening the muscles around the shoulders, hips, and spine, macebell workouts can help improve posture and prevent injury.

5. Does a macebell workout build muscle?

  • Yes, a macebell workout can build muscle, especially in the upper and lower body. The resistance provided by the weight of the macebell, combined with the need to control its movement, can help stimulate muscle growth. By performing exercises that target multiple muscle groups, macebell workouts can provide a comprehensive strength training workout that can help build muscle mass and improve overall muscle tone. However, the amount of muscle growth achieved through macebell workouts will depend on various factors such as individual training intensity, frequency, nutrition, and overall health and fitness level.

6. What muscles does a macebell work?

A macebell workout can work a variety of muscle groups, including:

  • Shoulders: Overhead pressing and swinging movements can target the shoulders, building strength and stability in the deltoids, rotator cuff, and other shoulder muscles.
  • Upper back: Exercises that involve twisting or rotating the macebell can work the muscles of the upper back, such as the rhomboids and lats.
  • Core: Many macebell exercises require stability and control, making them a great way to work the muscles of the core, including the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis.
  • Arms: Swinging and pressing movements can help build strength and muscle mass in the biceps, triceps, and forearms.
  • Legs: Certain macebell exercises can also target the legs, such as lunge variations, squats, and deadlifts, helping to build strength and muscle mass in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.
  • Chest: Pressing movements, such as the macebell push press, can help build strength and muscle mass in the chest and triceps.
  • It’s important to note that macebell workouts can provide a full-body workout, which can target multiple muscle groups at once, making it a highly efficient form of training.

7. Are macebells still used today?

  • Yes, macebells are still used today, particularly in functional fitness and strength training communities. They have gained popularity in recent years as a unique and challenging alternative to traditional weights and dumbbells. The versatility of macebells, combined with their ability to target multiple muscle groups and improve functional movement, has made them a popular choice for fitness enthusiasts and professional athletes alike. In addition, macebells have become a staple in many functional fitness gyms and can be found in many personal and commercial gyms across the world.

8. Are adjustable macebells good?

  • Adjustable macebells can be a good choice for those looking for versatility and convenience in their training, as they offer the ability to change weights quickly and easily, saving space and potentially reducing cost. However, some people may prefer the feel and balance of fixed weight macebells. The quality and durability of adjustable macebells can also vary, so it’s important to choose a reputable brand.

In conclusion, macebell training is a unique and effective form of functional fitness that offers a variety of benefits. It’s suitable for beginners and can be easily incorporated into a workout routine. By properly choosing the weight, mastering the techniques and form, and gradually increasing the weight and difficulty, beginners can safely and effectively improve strength, endurance, and flexibility with macebell training. 

So, why not give it a swing and see what this dynamic workout tool can do for you!